Faith’s First Dwelling

If you have heard a number of my sermons, you will not be surprised to hear me say that I do not worry about a person who is not a Christian. God is good–so that single piece of information–“not a Christian”– does not move me to alarm about the individual’s well-being, define it how you will. . . If it turns out that I am wrong about heaven and God and judgment, I am pretty sure my defense attorneys will be able to make a good case in the courts of the eternal that I learned my way from the example of Jesus.

Faith, Facts, and Acts

When Bill Moyers was interviewing Joseph Campbell, the great scholar of religions and mythic literature, he asked Campbell whether he had ever adhered to any of the traditions he studied. In a word, Have you been a believer? Campbell said he had not. Moyers pressed. Then could he say he fully knew the religions? Campbell acknowledged the void in his manner of knowing religions.