The Second Birthday of the Church

Have you ever had to reinvent yourself? The phrase has a peculiarly American flavor, but the experience to which it refers has always belonged to the human predicament. Of such is the story of Arjuna—Odysseus—Jacob—Job—Jesus in the wilderness—Jesus before the Cross. Re-invention comes to this. . .

The Word Is Very Near

We have been working with the great challenge of our times, the news that climate change will bring no more normal now—that everything will change, and we must change. Our species has no experience with demands so implacable. Our whole world view evolved on a hospitable planet and presumes its continuance . . .

Stay in the City

A film from Danish director Lars von Trier received little notice in 2010, but I hear of it more and more now. It is called Melancholia. A heavenly body—far bigger than an asteroid—has appeared in the night sky. Is it moving? How? Will it fly by Earth? Will it . . . ?