The Help We Need

Of all the figures in this story, only one is so anxious and un-trusting and hurt that he cannot do any good. It is the king of Israel. He is you. He is me. This king represents every old thought we have about how things work. He stands for that forlorn wish we have for a leader to swoop in and save us from disaster. The king is in our every anxious thought that it will all turn out wrong if we make a wrong turn now . . .

The Discipline of Death

Did the dead really come to life at the touch of Elisha? I don’t know. But I know this. If my faith hung on whether these stories are facts, faith would not be faith. If these stories just had to be scientifically so, else I lose my trust in God, then my religion would be thin and brittle and ideological and small. We have these stories not because we know they happened but because, in their extremity of need, people said, Tell us that one again, master . . .


These stories are master/disciple stories. They tell of that moment of decision for possibility in the crisis the learner is facing. These stories are about you and me.